A big shout out to the EuroLeague Players Association (ELPA) for taking a great step forward and organizing a terrific seminar during the Adidas Next Generation Tournament in Valencia on the 3th & 4th of June. With the main goal of providing young players with useful guidelines for their transition towards a professional career, we are happy to testify that goal was achieved!. If you wanna see a short summary of what this event was like… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYWlqTF3ZfU 🙂
Being there since day 1 for the future professional players is key for them to take more informed and better decissions about their careers as well as facilitate their stability and commitment. Doubtless this will benefit their career short, mid and long term, even after they retire from the game. And that´s at the core of every step of what we do at @themoove!
Having Igor Rakocevic on board as the guest star of this seminar can be described as priceless…he shared his personal experience with the players, and even handed out a personal letter to them where he captured all those tips he would have been grateful to receive when he was starting his career… and we are happy to share it here with you:

It has been a real pleasure for themoove to partner with this organization, that proves time and again that it goes the extramile for the wellbeing of the athletes.
Personal thank you to Bostjan Nachbar for leading this game changing organization to the next level, to Anze Blazic for a seamless coordination, Igor Rakocevic for his generosity and wit and Mª Ángeles Vidal Ruiz for ensuring all run smoothly at La Alquería del Basket.
Looking forward to the future!