The career of a professional athlete is intense, exciting and much shorter than desired. What comes afterwards, that “future” that suddenly has become the present, is usually marked by uncertainty and indecision, which in many cases generates insecurity and / or anxiety. The changes faced are numerous and they all come at once. Frankly, managing that transition is not easy. For this reason, we bring you a very unique service, our “Future Career Coaching”, that will facilitate the transition to a new professional life.
Hand in hand with an experienced business coach, the athlete will explore the options that best suit his/her particular situation, doing in-depth work on identifying their needs, preferences, transversal skills and values, in order to define a professional objective. From there, they will design an action plan that will allow them to reach their new goal in the most effective way. Depending on the needs of each athlete, this process may include advice on their personal brand, networking strategies, study plans and / or specialization … A holistic approach where we will take into account all the key variables, and take advantage of all opportunities.
Whether you have already retired from your sport or have a lot of competitions ahead of you, good planning is the best way to reach your future professional goals with confidence. Contact us and let us know how can we best serve you!.