The investment world is complex. And as professional athletes we do not usually have that extensive knowledge that guarantees us good decision-making. Also, money tests people’s integrity. And you have to be very sure of who you choose to manage the profits that with so much sacrifice and tenacity you have managed to generate. We have been there. That is why we have created the figure of the Financial Detective, a financial professional with more than twenty years advising professional athletes, who, in a totally independent way, helps you to differentiate and / or detect those investments and advantageous monetary decisions from those that do not they are. How does the service work? Very easy. You bring us the financial proposal that you want to review, our Financial Detective analyzes it and informs you of its pros and cons
so that when you make the final decision, you are as safe and prepared as possible. This little action could save you a lot of trouble down the road! And remember, we don’t want to manage your money! We want to help you make the best possible decisions.

If you want more information about the Service and its operation, you want to meet our Financial Detective or you want to hire the Service, write to us at: [email protected]